Woven wraps are made of fabrics that are specifically woven for carrying babies. The fabrics are not similar to ones you can get in fabric stores. Woven wraps have been tested to be tear-proof, moldable and breathable hence are safe and comfortable for babywearing.

Stretchy wraps are made of soft, t-shirt/jersey-like stretchy cotton. The materials can be warm for Malaysian weather. Stretchy wraps are good for only smaller babies and they will start sagging for heavier babies. You cannot back carry using stretchy wraps.

On the other hand, woven wraps are made of woven cotton hence more breathable which is suitable for warm weather. Woven wraps have only minimum diagonal stretch to ensure support for babies and heavier toddlers. You can back carry using woven wraps.

Daiesu wraps are made of 100% organic cotton (GOTS certified) sourced from type that is proven to be high-quality for many years. The cotton yarns are dyed with Azo-free non-toxic dye that are safe even if your baby happens to chew the fabric.

It depends on what you prefer. Woven wrap is usually a (very) long piece of cloth, while ring sling is a compact carrier about half the length of wrap. Both are suitable from newborn to toddlers. Although for wearing heavier child for longer hours, two-shoulder carrier such as a wrap may give less strain compared to one-shoulder carrier like a ring sling. Refer to our Wearing Instruction page to give you some idea on how each is worn.

Please see Sizing Guide page.

For the regulations standards, all carriers have been tested to safely support a child up to 18kg. Although, they are safe to wear beyond the recomended weight, given that parents can bear the weight they carry! You should know your body and strength well to decide. A good wrap and correct wrapping method make it possible for you to wear bigger and heavier toddler without the weight strain.

It is recommended that you wash the wrap first to set the fiber woven and also to make it softer and moldable for wearing. First wash will also remove production-state dye residue, if any.

Daiesu wraps can be hand washed or machine washed in gentle cycle. Use delicate detergent without optical brightener. Do NOT use softener. Line dry under shade. Stream ironing will fasten the process to soften the wraps.